How To Do More Sales Using Lead Distribution CRM?

How To Do More Sales Using Lead Distribution CRM?

how to do more sales using lead distribution CRM


Every business depends on leads. Generating new leads and Lead distribution is the main factor any company must focus on to increase its sales. Lead distribution CRM has the ability to convert any lead into a deal. To increase your sales, you have probably invested time and funds to generate more leads but leads are like resources, it is on you how you utilize them and turn leads into a deal.

One question may pop up in your mind, what is lead distribution? Isn’t? Let us take a deep view of it.

What is Lead Distribution?

Simply we can define assigning all the incoming leads to skilled and qualified sales representatives. The requirement to do so is to reach out to the prospects in a short time. By doing this the chances of converting this leads into a deal increase.

In recent studies at Harvard University, it has been found that if you reach out to the lead within 5 minutes of its generation then there are 9-time chances for you to convert that lead into a deal. Not every lead that generates from the market needs to be of the same type. Infect every lead that comes from the market is unique in its own way – with the different requirements, skills, and product knowledge.

Distributing leads to the right sales representative is also one of the most important factors.

Have a short look at the example to understand this.

For example, if you have a sales representative with the experience of less than one year and you distribute the lead that has a large opportunity for your company then there are chances you may lose the opportunity that sales representative may not suit them because that sales representative don’t have much experience to handle large potential clients.

So instead, you must prefer to distribute that lead to your experienced sales representative to increase your chances to grab that opportunity and convert it into a deal.

Lead distribution plays a vital role in increasing your sales.

Here is how it can be.

lead distribution

Types of Lead Distribution CRM

  • Lead Distribution CRM (Automative)- Automatically pushed the leads to the sales representative as per their skills, requirement, and importance by CRM software.
  • Manually Lead Distribution – Sales representative manually picks up the lead as per their time management.

Lead Distribution CRM (Automative)

Lead distribution is done using automation or CRM software to the sales representative. Response time matters when any lead generates. This means how much time your sales representative took to respond to that lead. CRM software made it easy to automate your lead distribution. It distributes the leads to the sales representative as per the criteria set which include the hotness of that lead, skills, and experience of the sales representative.

It analyses the key factors of the leads and directs the lead to the appropriate sales representative. This helps in generating more leads as it analyses the lead as it generates, and allocates it to the appropriate sales representative which decreases some little workload of sales representatives. Time is the most important in any business or industry and this helps more as it saves your time to manually sort out the lead.

One more thing, your response time is increased purposely.

As I mentioned earlier, your chances to get a lead into your deal depend on your response time to that lead. If you respond to the lead within 5 minutes, then your chances to get it increases 9 times. But if you delay it then the chances to get that lead into the deal is decrease as no one loves to wait because time is precious and valuable for everyone.benefits of lead distribution

Benefits Of Lead Distribution CRM

1. Lead Distribution CRM Saves Time

“Time is Money,” said well-known writer Benjamin Franklin in a famous book name A American Instructor: or Young Mann’s best Companion.

Lead Distribution CRM saves the time of both for both of you. The lead distribution CRM automatically analyses the lead and distributes it accordingly. This affects both that saving your time and you know the new leads in less time so you can reach out to the lead in a quick session. So, clients also get satisfied as they got a reply in a quick session which saves their time also. You can quickly analyze the rest of the requirements of the client.

2. Lead Distribution CRM Reduce efforts

Lead distribution CRM reduces your efforts by 70%. Because you don’t need to remember lots of things. It happens that more than one lead generates at a time, So it is hard to remember every client’s details.

Sometimes it happens that everything mixes up in your mind and it gets stuck as you get more workload and it became hard for you to remember everything. So, CRM software reduces this effort. It keeps records of all leads, analyzes them, and gives you the result. So you just have to contact leads and give your efforts to convert that leads into a deal by satisfying clients.

3. Eye On Lead Distribution Strategies

It keeps track of your Leads’ strategies also. It provides you with a complete analysis of your lead strategies. It gives you a report on how many leads you got per week or month. Out of that how many leads you are successful to convert it in a deal.

This success rate report helps you to improve your strategies. Which things are getting successful and which are not you can know very easily and then change your strategies accordingly. Success rates help the company to make their strategies in the future to generate more leads and what things are there in a market that you still didn’t apply to your lead strategies and are really working very well in the market.

4. Gathering Data

Most of the benefits we have discussed on the use of lead distribution CRM. But this is the one most useful benefit of using lead distribution CRM.

Lead Distribution CRM Softwares mine the data of your current clients or customers about their purchase habits and other online activities. This helps you to identify your market and create or change your own business profile according to the customers that are interested in your products or services.

The more sorted data will help you to generate more leads and increase your sales which clears your mind about the market.

5. Know Your Weak Points

knowing your weak points is one of the most challenging factors to work on where you are not impacting. Knowing your plus points, working on them, and being happy by seeing only good results will never know your weak points and it definitely is your short-term success.

With the right CRM software, it is easy to evaluate your weak points and know what’s not working, and which strategies are falling short. It gives you a complete analysis that where you are not impacting. You can think about it and work on it you can improve it to perform well in that area.

Lead Distribution Manually

Manually Lead distribution is when a sales representative takes up the lead and wants to work on it. In manual lead generation, sales representatives have to do more efforts to grab that lead. Sometimes it happens that more than one lead comes at the same time, the sales representative is busy with one lead, and another lead has to wait.

As per human nature, no one likes to wait so this results to lose other leads as sales representatives are unable to respond to them at the time. It gives complete responsibility to the sales representative for choosing leads and collecting them and feeding them into the database. This can consume more time to handle one lead. Because it has lots of responsibilities for a sales representative, they may feel pressure as they have to handle every lead manually.

There are two routing rules you can follow for manually lead distribution.

1. Hand Pick

A business that wants to give their sales representative complete responsibilities to choose from leads and pick one according to their expertise.

This benefits in a way that lead which is selected by sales representative accordingly, the client will get complete benefits of their expertise. It has one drawback also that other leads will be neglected which can give you a minus point and may affect your company’s impression.

2. Blind Pull

Blind Pull allows the sales representative to put a lead in the pool and choose it wisely when they are ready to work on that lead.

This ensures that all the leads are treated equally and make sure not to miss any opportunity. It can discourage the sales representative sometimes that they lost the lead opportunity and increase the competition among sales representatives. It has also a drawback that manual lead distribution consumes more time to handle one lead. Which affects your impression somewhere.

Recommended for you: 7 Reasons for CRM system in the sales department for sustainable business growth


In every business, as we know Lead generation is the main factor but distributing and managing it in a mannered way is the key factor to increasing your sales more. CRM software provides you the exactly your needs to manage and distribute your leads. Are you thinking of buying CRM software?

Contact us today and schedule a Free Demonstrationon Conduct CRM.

Lead Distribution CRM increases your sales as it automates the distribution of your leads. It releases some pressure from sales representatives so they can also manage more leads than usual to increase your sales. So it doesn’t only help in your business but also makes you feel relaxed while working and decreases the workload.

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